Jordan Clark and Peter Keeling of Diaceutics critique a journal article exploring the effectiveness of parallel FISH and IHC methods for the detection of ALK. They go on to discuss the financial implications for pharma companies if they do not engage with laboratories before they launch their targeted therapy.|Jordan Clark and Peter Keeling of Diaceutics critique a journal article exploring the effectiveness of parallel FISH and IHC methods for the detection of ALK. They go on to discuss the financial implications for pharma companies if they do not engage with laboratories before they launch their targeted therapy.|Jordan Clark and Peter Keeling of Diaceutics critique a journal article exploring the effectiveness of parallel FISH and IHC methods for the detection of ALK. They go on to discuss the financial implications for pharma companies if they do not engage with laboratories before they launch their targeted therapy.|Jordan Clark and Peter Keeling of Diaceutics critique a journal article exploring the effectiveness of parallel FISH and IHC methods for the detection of ALK. They go on to discuss the financial implications for pharma companies if they do not engage with laboratories before they launch their targeted therapy.
French ALK Study Helps Illuminate the High Negative Dollar Impact of Single Test Strategies With Companion Diagnostics
French ALK Study Helps Illuminate the High Negative Dollar Impact of Single Test Strategies With Companion Diagnostics
24 February, 2014